Immersive & Site Specific Theatre
Riverhouse is a self aware exploration of youthful summers in Florida as the protagonist, Penny, writes and relives it. The show follows the lives of off duty camp counselors as they party at Todd's Riverhouse, forming friendships, relationships, and coming of age. Riverhouse was produced and staged in a crowd funded Airbnb. Riverhouse gave audience members agency to follow the characters and storylines of their choosing, whether that be through physically tracing the performers around the space, into cars, or watching them through multimedia elements. Riverhouse was devised, directed, and performed by Lauren and a group of fellow students in Tallahassee, Florida during April of 2018.
[LEVI] So what happens in this play?
[PENNY] Everything. Nothing.
[QUINN] It’s about the drunken sexcapades of the riverhouse.
[PENNY] Quinn! No. It’s just about the riverhouse. Nothing really happens, it’s kind of infuriating. We’re actually in the curtain call right now.
By Nick Payne